Patchwork Show Long Beach Fall 2018
Last weekend we celebrated our 17th biannual Long Beach Patchwork Show! This was one of my favorite of all the shows at our waterside Marine Stadium location… Not only did we have PERFECT weather but we debuted our new “I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome.” staff tees, had more DIY booths than ever before (thanks to Cockeyed Optimist, Long Beach Littles, Make Collectives and My Cat Hates You plus our own DIY holiday card making for the kids), had two music stages (thanks to Rod Harrison for curating the food court stage and love to The Long Beach Ukulele Club who returned after a Patchwork Show Hiatus to welcome attendees as they arrived with their symphony of cover songs played exclusively on ukulele) and had our largest Patchwork Junior section (for makers under age 18)! Our staff did an exemplary job and a special shout out goes out to our new operations manager Spaulding who did an outstanding job managing the show! Big hugs to our staff, vendors, guests, partners, sponsors, volunteers and venue. Catch our last show of 2018 in Santa Ana this weekend.
P.S. – Thanks to our guest photographer Jenny Lily Le for snapping photos at the show. You can see her awesome work below, under my photos.
-Nicole S.
Big thanks to our guest photographer Jenny Lily Le for the following photos:
Thank you all. It was great as always.
Love all the pictures you took. It was nice to see the other booths and some of my friends
so sad there was not a picture of my booth. I didn’t take a picture either. I got so busy I forgot.
I have a great time and can’t wait for the spring show.
Thanks for putting this together.
everyone was so nice and helpful
It’s great having some pictures taken for the day! Thank you so much, Kaya Essentials
Mama Cheesecake had a blast. Though we were slammed for almost the entire time we each had a chance to get out and enjoy a lil shopping!! ! Thank you so much, we sold out!!