Patchwork Show Long Beach Fall 2016
If you’ve been to our Patchwork Show in Long Beach before you know this beautiful location by the water at Marine Stadium. You also likely know that our fall show is notoriously either chilly or slightly wet. Well, this season’s event was more like a spring show with 80 degree weather and not a cloud in sight! Welcome to Southern California!
The surprising hot holiday weather kept our popsicle and shaved ice vendors busy all day. The crowds braved the heat–there’s a lot of love in Long Beach! There was a lot of love too from our amazing team who was joined by newbie Alyssandra who not only coordinated the Viento y Agua music stage but also brought in some great volunteers who really helped make the show run smoothly– THANK YOU!! It was also great to meet some new Patchwork Show attendees as well as regulars who have been coming out to the event for years. Thanks to all of our vendors, staff, partners, volunteers and guests for supporting show.
Looking forward to seeing you at our last Patchwork Show of 2016 in Santa Ana on 11.27.16 and let’s keep our fingers crossed for great weather (bring sunblock just in case – LOL)!
XXOO, Delilah
P.S. – BIG thanks to Sydney Borja Photography for the awesome photos she took at the show. You can see more of Sydney’s stunning work on her Instagram.
Thanks to all who posted from the show with #PatchworkShow. Below are some of our favorite #PatchworkShow photos that we snagged from Instagram.